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About Our Deals

Featured Deals

Featured Deals are hot bargains brought to you directly by Tanga’s expert buying team. We have scoured the internet to find the hottest deals with the best prices on the web. If we’re featuring it, you can rest assured it’s a great deal! (Because bringing you awesome stuff for a lot cheaper, is kind of our thing).

Tanga Marketplace

In the Tanga Marketplace, Tanga allows its approved vendor partners to bring you their full selection and catalog of deals (there are hundreds of thousands of hidden gems here, so dig deep).

Unlike Tanga’s Featured Deals, these prices haven’t been evaluated to be the lowest on the web. But our partners know that every Tanga customer is looking for the best deal possible. Packaging methods, shipping carriers, and delivery times will vary from vendor to vendor, as these items will ship from all over the world.

The Tanga Promise

Whether it is a Featured or Marketplace item, Tanga’s Promise to you remains the same:

If you ever have problems with your order, we’ll do everything we can to make it right. As a small company, we aim to treat you like family. We know we’re in business because of you.

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