Includes 13 useful tools for work, home and outdoor recreation
Brand: Cat
This sharp-looking multi-tool backs up good lucks with the utility to spare. Underneath the black anodized aluminum, the skin is a multi-function solution for work, play, outdoors, automotive, boat, and RV.
Thirteen useful tools are housed in a lightweight aluminum chassis. These stainless steel tools resist corrosion, while the adjustable set screws let you tighten everything up as needed.
The handles fold closed for compact storage between uses.
Tools Include:
Al, Attic, Daedalian, Grade A, a cut above, above, adept, admirable, adroit, advantageous, aesthetic, aggrandized, ahead, apotheosized, apt, artistic, ascendant, auspicious, authoritative, awesome, bang-up, banner, beatified, beneficial, benevolent, better, big, blue-ribbon, bon, bonny, bonzer, boss, bravura, braw, brilliant, bueno, bully, bunkum, canonized, capital, capping, champion, chaste, choice, chosen, classic, classical, clean, clever, cogent, commendable, cool, coordinated, crack, crackerjack, cunning, cute, daedal, dandy, deft, deified, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, distinguished, eclipsing, elegant, elevated, eminent, ennobled, enshrined, enthroned, estimable, exalted, exceeding, excelling, exceptional, expedient, expert, extraordinary, fair, famous, fancy, fantastic, favorable, finer, first-class, first-rate, first-string, glorified, good, goodish, goodly, graceful, grand, great, greater, handy, healthy, hear, held in awe, helpful, high, high and mighty, higher, immortal, immortalized, in ascendancy, in good taste, in the ascendant, ingenious, kind, laudable, lofty, magic, magisterial, magnified, major, marked, masterful, masterly, matchless, mighty, neat, nice, no mean, noble, nonpareil, notable, noteworthy, number one, of choice, of quality, one up on, ordinary, outstanding, over, par excellence, peerless, pleasant, pleasing, politic, prime, professional, proficient, profitable, pure, quality, quick, quiet, quite some, rare, ready, regal, remarkable, resourceful, restrained, ripping, rivaling, royal, sainted, sanctified, select, shrined, simple, skillful, slap-up, slick, smashing, some, sound, sovereign, splendid, statesmanlike, sterling, stunning, stylish, subdued, sublime, super, superb, supereminent, superior, superlative, supreme, surpassing, swingeing, tactful, tasteful, terrific, the best, the compleat, the complete, throned, top, top-hole, top-notch, topping, transcendent, transcendental, transcending, unaffected, understated, unobtrusive, upper, useful, valid, very good, virtuoso, virtuous, well-chosen, well-done, without equal, workmanlike, worthy
this is a great tool!!!! I gave it as a gift and he loved it!!!!
Good quality; nice features for the price
Solid unit, it’s a good size should come it handy
I bought an $80 Leatherman that I sent back because it didn’t meet my standards. I’m keeping this Caterpillar multitool because it is everything I was looking for. I especially like the spring loaded pliers that make it so much easier to operate. This is also so much easier to open! Everything deploys smoothly. I can’t believe I got a tool of this quality for this price!
Was impressed
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