Sleeping Bed Sofa Air Bag
Estimated delivery Feb 17 - Feb 21 (Why?)
This ships from an international warehouse, please allow extra time for the product to reach you.
Package included:
1* Inflatable air sofa
1* Buggy bag as free gift.
Warm weather is coming and that means spending plenty of time outdoors. Whether you’re doing more camping, lounging around the beach, or simply hanging out at music festivals, you’ll need something to sit and lie on during those times you’re just chilling on the sidelines. And while lounge chairs, hammocks, and similar outdoor gear should do the trick, our air bag offers what might be a more interesting alternative.
Designed for ease of use, the inflatable lounger packs into a compact bag when not in use, making it easy to strap onto your backpack or carry on its own. For setup, it simply requires unpacking and filling up with air similar to the Windcatcher, allowing you to inflate the whole thing in just a few seconds.
Once filled with air, simply roll the top of the air bag and clip it shut, effectively turning it into a comfy lounger that you can sit on and lie down on. It can handle weights of up to 350 pounds, so up to 2-3 people can comfortably plop down and kick back in comfort. A recessed center area is designed to cradle anyone who lies down on the lounger, making the darn thing feel like a non-swaying hammock. It stays at a good rate of inflation for around four hours under normal use, at which point, you simply unclip the top and feed it a gallop of air to restore the fluffy, bouncy shape. Construction is durable polyester so it should handle most anything on the ground, short of large, sharp rocks.
With our sleeping air bag, your dreams would be anywhere, anytime.
If you don’t need it, just let the air go and fold the bag and put it away, it would not take your place at all.
I have not used yet but I've seen the product before and they're nice to have
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