Put in on a new recliner, no damage and my three cat stop scratching it . Read more
This invention is either really good for cats and deter them away from scratching your couch. Or it's going to show you that your cat is really weird and likes to stick his paws on sticky stuff! (We have both of those) Overall, the sturdiness of this product is good, absolutely easy to use. We cut them up in small strips and put them on the areas we know our cats scratch the most. The product is clear so you can't see it that easy on the couch. The sizes I thought were worth the price. Overall, when it's time to replace these I will definitely be buying them again. This was a great price and good quality item for a cheap and quick fix. Read more
Alex K.Alex K.
Not all cats are the same, but this stops my cat for sure. It's easy to apply, sticks well, and the ones from February are still working too. I'm on my third pack and will continue to use it. It's not the cheapest but you get quality. And it's still way cheaper than buying a new couch or getting repairs.My only gripe is the useless corner white rectangles with the red arrows. They aren't needed for application, and don't come off easily or 100 percent ever, so you're left with little white spots of paper.I just peel off the blue side, press it onto the couch with the white side, and the white peels off no problem. Please just ditch the arrow stickers Read more
I'm putting this at the start in case the company checks reviews - on the product sheet insert, the company thanks customers for not declawing their cats. This is a great message, except as shown in the second image of my review, it uses a photo of a cat getting their claws trimmed to illustrate the point. While I'd like to think people understand it's just a picture, I've actually met cat owners who declawed their cats and believed it was as harmless as a normal nail trim with a nail clipper. What would be far better than misrepresenting the declawing procedure would be explaining what it does to a cat - for anyone unfamiliar, a cat's claws are fully integrated into their skeletal structure so declawing them is the mechanical equivalent of losing your fingertips, NOT your fingernails. It can seriously affect their balance and causes a lot of mental stress for some cats. A nail clipper, if designed for cats and kept away from the nail bed (or the "quick") is a safe and humane tool in contrast - and keeping claws trimmed can even encourage some cats to use healthy sharpening toys like scratching posts!!That said, the product is great so far! There's no real scent, and the packaging is GREAT, no unnecessary waste! Reading the instructions was quick, and applying the sheet was a breeze. My cat (see photo 3 for the accused hiding on a shelf) was never a furniture destroyer so this is my first time needing a product like this, but in her old age (going on 15-16) she'll chew and swallow sisal fibers compulsively so I had to switch out her traditional wrapped scratching post for one with knitted sisal. Sufficed to say she isn't pleased by the new fancy post and instead began using the corner of my bed to scratch. I have linen sheets so at the beginning this didn't damage them (pro tip for other cat owners: linen's weave is loose enough that claws will rarely snag on threads!) but after four months of not being able to get her to pay attention to the scratching post, even linen fell prey to her little claws and she tore a little hole in the fitted sheet last week.So, enter the panther tape! I applied a mid-size sheet to the area she goes for (corner of my bed, check the first review photo!) and put the scratching post closer to it as incentive. It's a little noticeable if your furniture is front facing, but if you're like me and want to use this on your bed, the stickiness that's on the outside isn't as strong as the adhesive on the inside, so you can safely hide it under a duvet or flat sheet. I'll update my review at the one month mark, when I plan to take the sheet off and see if my cat's lost interest! If not, there are plenty more sheets in the package, and in three different sizes, so it's a great value for the cost. Read more
Used this product to retrain our cat to stop using the sofa as a scratching post. After the first night of applying the sheets to the sofa, Myko now stops to think about putting his paws on the sofa. Now after a month Myko has stopped going near the sofas and now fully uses his scratching posts and pads. Success!!!Highly recommend. Read more
Al sacarlos del empaque mi gato pensó que eran comida, los coloqué en todas sus partes favoritas para afilar sus uñas de mi sala y comenzó a lamerlas de manera tan intensa por que le súper encanto el sabor que arranco un pedazo y se lo comió. Bastó con un regaño para que dejara de lamer y comerse el producto, obvio continuo lamiendo sin embargo el producto se adhirió tan bien que logró hacer su función. Ya no a arañado mis sillones solo que ahora te sientas, y te pegas, se le pegan los pelos, pelusas etc y da la impresión de sala de abuelita de esas que acostumbraban a no remover el plástico para evitar el desgaste jajaja. Cómpralos, si funcionan. Read more
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