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NEW! Featured Deals & Marketplace Products--What's the Difference?

NEW! Featured Deals & Marketplace Products--What's the Difference?

Tanga Featured Deals
Tanga Featured Deals are hot bargains brought to you by our expert buying team. AND they ship for FREE all month long!

Now you can find the best deals online no matter where you are: at home on your couch, at work in front of your computer, or heck even on your phone while sailing on a cruise vacation. Sign up for our email list to receive updates of our featured deals.

Marketplace Deals

Marketplace Deals are uploaded by approved 3rd party vendors (don’t worry, they know Tanga’s shoppers are looking for awesome bargains).

Now, right on the product’s page, you can easily tell if you’re looking at a Tanga Featured Deal or a Marketplace Deal (just look for the label).

Rest assured, whether a deal is Featured or Marketplace, if you ever have problems with your order, we’ll do everything we can to make it right!

Learn more here.

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