We're Retiring the 4am & 10pm Unfeatured Puzzles
We're Retiring the 4am & 10pm Unfeatured Puzzles
When the Mods started in June we had 22 pages of puzzles in our queue, each page having 51 puzzles on it.
We’re down to 2 pages.
I can’t tell you how proud I am of the Mods and the work they’re doing. Yeah, they’re not perfect, but Tanga is definitely better off with them around. And if not Tanga, then at least me – I’m absolutely better off with the Mods on the job :)
So, with the queue down to a reasonable size, we’re gonna do away with the 4am and the 10pm Unfeatured puzzles. Starting WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, the new TPS (Tanga Puzzle Schedule) looks like this:
(all times Pacific)
7pm – Featured puzzles
Everyone go to bed!
Note to puzzlemakers: What this also means is that Aaron and I will most likely NOT be Unfeaturing puzzles anymore, as those two times were essentially for us. We will still be making the judgment calls, but if we feel a Nominated puzzle should be Unfeatured, it will be kicked back to the Mods now and they will Unfeature it. But just FYI, if your puzzle was Nominated, one of us has definitely looked at it.