T-Shirt Idea Contest! $100 Gift Card Prizes!
T-Shirt Idea Contest! $100 Gift Card Prizes!
The time has come, again, where we probe your minds and creativity to see if you can come up with some cool ideas!
You may or may not remember our “Ask me what’s for lunch” Zombie tees but the shirt is to the right for your viewing and referencing pleasure just in case you don’t remember.
Notice that there is text on the shirt that presents a call-to-action to the reader/innocent bystander. Once the question is popped, the wearer would simply fold the bottom of the shirt inside out over his or her own face thus showing what was for lunch.. YOU!
We are looking for more great, innovative ideas such as this. What you will be submitting is first – the call-to-action text, and secondly is the face, mask, or WHATEVER on the inside of the shirt.
We don’t expect you to be a graphic artist so simply explain in as many words as needed what the inside of the shirt is going to portray. Is it a diaper on a man’s head? Maybe a scary vampire with blood dripping from its menacing, pearly white fangs. You get the picture…
Grand Prize – $100 Tanga Gift Card
We officially will have one grand prize winner, who will receive $100 Tanga Gift Certificate, plus we will send you a free shirt with your design!
Heck, if there are more designs that we like, we might even have more grand prize winners too!
If you participated in the last t-idea contest you would remember how easy it was to submit your ideas. Just simply click the big, pretty banner below and submit your entry. Contest closes on April 4th and the winners will be announced shortly thereafter.
A few things to remember when pondering on your ideas:
1. Tanga is a family website so let’s keep it on the clean(er) side..
Click image for larger view -
2. Although we would love to see your face inside a shirt, unless you are a flesh eating zombie, blood sucking vampire, or hold the record for ugliest person alive then we will most likely not pick your shirt. Nice try, though!
3. We love superheroes as much as the next geek website but remember that Copyrights are a little messy. Try thinking of your OWN creative character or superhero!
4. And lastly, don’t forget that the call-to-action text on the front of the shirt needs to be just as creative as the face inside!