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How To Buy Unique and Discounted Postage Stamps

Stamp collecting is a hobby that has been around for as long as there have been postage stamps. Though people from all over the world have marked their letters and packages with insignia for centuries, the modern adhesive postage stamp did not come into being until the mid-19th century. Nonetheless, there are literally thousands of unique postage stamps on the market for collectors.

However, the United States Postal Service (USPS) does not recognize every stamp in existence as having sufficient postage when processing letters and packages. For example, if you bought a unique, one-of-a-kind collectible stamp that was printed in 1950, it is unlikely to have enough postage value to be used on its own to send mail today. For this reason, the post office created Forever Stamps, which never lose their validity to cover the full cost of sending mail and have no expiration date.

Even if you are not a collector, buying discounted postage stamps and Forever Stamps in bulk is a great way to save on the costs of postage. You can literally save on every letter you send, with your savings increasing as the cost of postage goes up. In today’s guide, we will take a closer look at Forever Stamps, including how much they cost, their value as collector’s items, and where you can buy discounted postage stamps online.

What Is A Forever Stamp?

From a functional standpoint, the Forever Stamp is no different than any other postage stamp. It features a unique image on the front and adhesive on the back to easily attach it to a letter or similar piece of mail. However, Forever Stamps hold special significance for the United States Postal Service, collectors, and anybody who wants to send a letter.

Why? Because a Forever Stamp can be used indefinitely. Forever Stamps were created and issued by the USPS as an affordable way for consumers to accumulate stamps in bulk. Since they do not expire, you can buy a batch of Forever Stamps at the going rate for First-Class mail stamps and continue to use them indefinitely. This means that, even if the rate for First-Class stamps goes up, you can benefit from your stamps without needing to pay a higher postage.

While stamps have been around for a long time, the history of the Forever Stamp is relatively brief. In 2007, the USPS launched the first Forever Stamp, which featured an image of the Liberty Bell. Since then, the USPS has expanded its offerings to include even more stamps that are good forever. By 2011, the USPS designated all stamps for one-ounce First-Class mail as Forever Stamps, with the exception of stamps that come in rolls of 500, 3,000, or 10,000. As a result, millions of Americans have taken advantage of the low cost and long-term functionality of Forever Stamps for both their personal collections and postage needs.

So, what is the advantage of using Forever Stamps? Even if you do not send or receive a lot of mail, you will likely have to use stamps to send important documents like tax returns, official communications, and even Christmas cards on a recurring basis. The primary benefit of a Forever Stamp is that it retains the same validity forever, even after the cost of postage has increased.

For example, let us say that you buy a pack of 100 discounted postage stamps for $50. This would mean that you paid $0.50 per one-ounce stamp. As time goes on, the rate of postage increases. Some years after your initial purchase, the cost of postage could be roughly $0.75 per stamp. This would mean that, with every letter you send, you are saving $0.25 on postage. It may not sound like much, but these savings can quickly add up. Even if you only plan on keeping the stamps for your own collection, it still means that you get a bargain on stamps that are always increasing in value.

How Much Is A Forever Stamp?

As previously mentioned, the USPS regularly increases the cost of Forever Stamps to keep up with current postage rates. For example, the price of the standard one-ounce First-Class Forever Stamps started at $0.41 per stamp in 2007 when they were first introduced. By 2021, postage rose to roughly $0.55 per stamp — a price increase of more than 34% over the span of 14 years. While the value of Forever Stamps varies from year to year, you can generally expect their cost (and worth) to increase between 2-3% annually.

This means that, when it comes to purchasing Forever Stamps, there is no time like the present. Fortunately, you can get even more out of your investment when you buy discounted postage stamps in bulk, as the price per stamp is greatly reduced. Since they have no expiration date and their value is always increasing, you can rest assured that your stamps will always serve as a worthwhile investment.

Regarding the cost of Forever Stamps, it is important to note that exact prices can vary depending on the type of stamp, as well as the vendor. You can always buy your stamps directly from the USPS, but unique or non-standard Forever Stamps often sell out quickly.

Unique Forever Stamps

The USPS releases various unique and limited-edition Forever Stamps for collectors or those who want to use them for a special occasion. These are only available via the USPS online store for a short time, making them even more valuable to collectors and stamp enthusiasts. The fact that these stamps also have no date of expiration only adds to their value.

If you are purchasing unique or rare Forever Stamps for your collection, you can also expect to pay significantly higher prices or for your special mailing. Limited edition Forever Stamps often sell out within hours of their release, creating a market for private buyers, sellers, and collectors to negotiate on higher prices. Naturally, the cost will be directly linked to the perceived worth of the collectible stamp, with extremely rare Forever Stamps sometimes costing more than 1000% of their original value.

Like many rare and unique collectibles, stamps often gain significantly more value with time. For example, the first line of Forever Stamps released in 2007 is likely to be valued much higher than even brand-new limited-edition stamps released today. Supply and demand can change at any time, so if you have your eye on a particular stamp, it is always a good idea to keep track of how the average selling price fluctuates.

Cheap Forever Postage Stamps

You can find cheap postage stamps directly through USPS and various online retailers. However, usps.com charges postage on your purchase, which adds to the cost and can take away from the growth potential of your investment. This is especially important if you plan to resell your Forever Stamps in the future. Additionally, buying stamps in bulk is the kind of purchase that can pay dividends for years to come, so finding ways to save on the initial costs is key — no matter how you plan to use them.

Fortunately, Tanga is the cheapest place to buy stamps at the moment, as we offer free shipping and have the ability to sell various Forever Stamps at or below face value. So, if you are looking for a great deal on rare and unique stamps, we have a wide selection of low-cost Forever Stamps to choose from.

We hope you found this guide on Forever Stamps useful! Are you looking for the best place to buy discounted postage stamps online? If so, be sure to check out the assortment of high-quality options on Tanga today!

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