No directions on how to plant or care for the seeds
I received one seed and it was broken in half. I was very sad.
The seeds that I received do not look anything like Adenium Obesum seeds. I will try to grow them and see what comes out.
The seeds did not germinate.
Planted an product did nothing. Maybe I have a dud thumb.
first received 6 seeds w/tiny picture, next day received pkg of seeds - have not counted to see how many and a tiny picture again. No planting directions! Will need to google to find how to plant and grow. Disappointed - good thing they weren't expensive. Waiting to see when I receive the rainbow rose seeds and how many actually come and if there are any directions - probably won't.
Absolutely no info with product on receipt. Don't know whether to eat, throw to the wind or sow these seeds.
i have not planted them but the picture looks beautiful of the flower online. Although there are no instructions on where there are to be planted and how deep. So i have to do all my own research
I had completely forgotten that I ordered this. They never arrived so can't comment on the quality. We generally have good luck ordering from tanga, including goods that come directly from China, but this one seems to have fallen through the cracks.