It you are a larger person it takes longer to get the hang of inserting it but once you get the hang of it it is great. If you have a fibroids and have a heavy flow you just need to empty it more often.
This is a wonderful product! Goodbye to a bulky pad, possible TSS, and running out of product right before you start! It takes your 1st cycle to get the hang of it. The twisting part to get it to open can be a bit tricky because it's easy to lose the grip. It actually hurts a little when you pull it out because the sides are so rigid but maybe I'm just not doing it right yet. I never leaked. There might be a cup out there that's a little softer though.
After extensive research, I decided to purchase the Diva Cup. It was imperative to read the directions thoroughly prior to use. Application was easy and the Diva Cup feels non-existent when inserted correctly. I gave it 4 stars because when working out, I experienced leakage and had to change to a tampon. My workouts are rather rigorous , perhaps less intense workouts may not bother the cup. Overall, I love this product and will not be going back to tampons anytime soon!
I've only tried the Diva Cup for one cycle and it took a day or two to get use to. I'd say all said and done I like it better than using tampons. Pros- no need to carry tampons around with you, you can leave it in longer, I found it interesting to see how many oz I'm losing daily, once I figured exactly how to put it in right I didn't have any leaks, I felt all environment friendly. Cons- it takes some getting use to to pull out the cup filled with blood (I was a bit squirmy about it at first), you have to clean out the cup after each removal which isn't horrible just have to make sure you're in a place you can do that comfortably.
This product is pretty nice once you get used to it. I think i should have went with the smaller size, but i went with the larger based on the age recommendations. Awesome part is you can ignore it for 12 hours; feel safe sleeping in it. In the end it saves money. Just have to get used to the way you use it.
The concept is great but it's hard and doesn't expand like it supposed to. Maybe it's the wrong size but I have two kids and over the age limit for model 2. If it's not in right it leaks. I won't rate it 5 stars until I get it right.
I bought this after I was tried of constantly bleeding out my tampons and pads. I had also recently switched to the organic tampons about 6 months ago, but it still wasnt enough protection for as long as I needed it, I also felt like my body shouldn't have anything extra in my body. Im glad this product is 100% medical grade silicone. I will say do your research, watch tons of youtube videos, read as many reviews as possible. Many don't get it on the first try however, I was able to finally get it down (hopefully) within my first cycle. What works for one woman may not work for the next. But just a few tips: I use the Push down fold (its the second fold on the box), the U or C cup worked okay but I experienced minor leakage, I soon realized it was because my cup wasn't opening properly. But with the Push down method it works. Oddly enough I insert with my right hand and as im inserting I flip it upside down so that the pushed down part is actually facing downwards and not up. I then push it straight back as the instructions say, I then switch to my left hand and rotate the cup and this is what allows me to get a great suction and no leaks. It may sound like a lot but I promise you, it is amazing. I have a relatively heavy flow and only need to empty my cup twice. Sometimes I'll empty 3 times a day, but its just up to if I am home or not. Im only giving this four stars because it is trial and error, and took a little digging for me to read personal experiences and tips before I found something that works for me. But I am so glad I fianlly gave the diva cup a try.
Tampons are the worst. Still learning with this handy lil cup but so far I’m just happy not to be dependent on pads or tampons anymore. Worth a shot for everyone.
This is my first cycle using it and I am already loving it. I really didn’t have any issues with inserting or not forming a good seal. Of course, I am a mom and have used tampons for ages, and being relaxed was key. I have also watched lots of product reviews on YouTube. That said, I usually have a really heavy flow (super plus and pad every hour ) and the “maternal model” of the DivaCup does need emptying more than 2 times on those days. But what made me feel the cup is well worth my investment is my usual cramps are gone like the wind the cup. I would used to have to take maximum doses of ibuprofen just to get through those days, and still had to wear a frown on my face. Now, I just wear the cup and a smile.
Mommy Megan
The verdict is still out. I think I like it but have only used it through one cycle. It was easy enough to get in but a little more tricky to get out. I had some reusable gloves I ended up using, lol. I liked not using tampons though and minimally worried about leakage. I’m going to stick with it!